Wednesday, 24 August 2011

No student digs for us,

My lovely brother and sister-in-law have loaned us their house for a week, phew no student flats for us after all! We met our new tenants last night, really nice people who are looking forward to getting involved in the community of Great Ouseburn.
I can't believe we're moving out in one week exactly. Alex has returned from his travels now, he's been'persuaded' to work out how to get photos from I-pad onto picasa. Not easy, don't think I-pad likes google stuff much.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

One goes and one arrives!!

We're saying good-bye to Liam (eldest dependent) tomorrow as he sets off on a 5 week road trip on the old Route 66 in America, he's beginning his journey in Chicago.  We'll next see him in Sydney on the 19th December when we will be 1/3 of the way through our adventures.  We're saying hello on Monday to Alex (youngest dependent) as he returns from a 4 week road trip which took in LA, Las Vegas, San Francisco and Chicago, culminating at the V-Festival.
Our poor student sons - I don't know how they do it!!!

The majority of the house is packed away now, rooms freshly painted and outside tidied up ready for our new tenants.  10 days until we move out - not sure where we're going yet, have to find a B&B near home to begin with then a stay in Liam's student flat in Liverpool I guess, can't stay in Alex's student house in Sheffield, he doesn't sign up for it until 12th September, unfortunately he's homeless for 5 days after we go!!  Interesting times ahead ....


Thursday, 11 August 2011

Getting to grips with new technology!

The iPad has arrived! I've been waiting for this moment, now I've got to get to grips with using it, it's going to be our faithful friend for the next 12 months, letting me blog, read emails, pay bills and keep track of my offspring!!
I'm loving it already, got Skype set up, plenty of games, etc. The cameras awful though, too close, all those wrinkles!!
Jim's sister has emigrated to Adelaide this week (hi Lisa), so that's another destination added to the burgeoning itinerary.
I promise this blog will get more interesting, as time passes....

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Living in an empty house

This is weird now - the house echoes, there's hardly anything left in it!  Every day we get another delivery - malaria tablets (joy), kindles (fab), insect repellent (Skin so soft from Avon!),and mozzie plug in so far.

Got US visas sorted last night, made an info. card and e-mailed it or posted it to friends, family, work colleagues and everyone on my Christmas card list!!

Facebook tutorial

Trying to get to grips with Facebook now - must try harder, problem is it bores me quickly, unlike this which is diary keeping but more interesting!! 

Monday, 1 August 2011

Getting ready to go!

We're getting ready to go!  House is steadily being packed up, new tenants arrive on 1st September, we have to leave on 30th August. 

No more teaching for a year!!! I can't believe it!  

Liam (my eldest dependent) and I did a car boot sale yesterday - another £100 in the coffers!